Contact Us
We usually reply within 24 hours but it may be a bit longer over public holidays and weekends when as a small family business we try to spend some quality time with our families.
Contact Form:
You can contact direct by email or by using our online contact form at: Bone Art Place Contact Form
For general inquiries such as orders, shipping & products etc:
Contact us at:
For wholesale and admin inquiries only.
Contact our admin team at:
New Zealand +64 4 8024934
(Country Code - Area Code - Number)
Click HERE to see the current time in New Zealand before calling.
= = = Note: New Zealand Time is GMT +12:00 = = =
Street Address:
If you wish to view gallery stock in person, please book an appointment. To do so please call +64 4 8024934 the day prior and let us know which pieces your are interested in so we can get them prepared.
The Bone Art Place c/- Kura Gallery
19 Allen Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Phone +64 4 8024934

Follow us on FaceBook
Click on the "Like" button at the top of our facebook page to keep up to date with the latest news, updates, photos and discussion.
Facebook User - The Bone Art Place

Follow us on Instagram
Some other people have used Bone Art on Instagram
so make sure you include the "place" at the end to find us.
Instagram User ID - boneartplace
Company Registration Details
Registered in New Zealand as:
The Bone Art Place Limited
Email Problems?
If you have had any problems contacting us by email check out the possible causes and solutions
- Email Unanswered:
Often services like Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail can be a little over the top with what they think is spam so always check your spam folder first.
- Was the return address on your email correct, if in doubt send it again and check it carefully.
- If you or your ISP use a whitelist or "Approved or Safe Senders" list make sure our email addresses are on that list so our emails get through.
There are three main addresses and two domains we use for admin (order receipts etc) and direct replies to questions etc so white-list these addresses and domains.
If you want to receive our newsletter also whitelist
- Due to the huge amount of spam we receive every day we have been forced to introduce a filtering system as have many other companies and ISP's. Take a note of these points to make sure your emails pass the "Spam" test
* Always include the subject line and make it meaningful.
An empty subject line or one that simply says "Hi", "Hi Don" or "Order" will make your email look like the hundreds of spams we get daily with those subject lines and our filters are likely to trash it.
* Don't include lots of links to sites or lots of advertising material, particularly if the word "Free" is mentioned more than 3 times.
* If you sell those little blue pills don't mention that in your email or signature, apart from giving us a complex (hundreds of spam emails every day telling us we desperately need the stuff to keep our ladies happy) it is one of the key words that will automatically trigger our filters to dump your message.
* Please don't type everything in capital letters.
- Emails bounced back as blocked or refused.
There are quite a few mail services around the world that support spammers so there are now a lot of blacklists and blocking services such as Spam Cop that will block these mail servers. Sometimes a legitimate ISP can find themselves on these blacklists if any of their users have sent spam (generally only for a week then it is reviewed and the block removed)
As a result many ISPs (including ours) now use these blacklists to protect their customers.
If you are unfortunate enough to be with an ISP or using a mail service that is blocked by one of the blacklists, your mail to us (and other people) may be bounced back with a 550 message.
The first thing you should do is complain to your ISP and send a copy of the bounced email with the 550 messaged attached so that they can contact the blacklist operators and clear it up.
There are three ways around this problem:
- Resend the emails using either another ISP or another email service such as Yahoo mail or hotmail.
Use our contact form at. Bone Art Place Contact Form